Assalammualaikum everyone!!! How ws ur day??? I hope it has been created colourfully…. Weee~ guess it is not so late to wishing u all SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!!!!! I beg for your forgiveness if there is my mistakes since we r being fren… J
So back to my topic: THANKFUL….. why am I bring diz topic??? Shouldn’t u be thankful of wat u hv now??? There always a reason for something to be happened in u rite~ let look for these example:
Why u should be a thankful person:
Ø U r a human…. A unique creation dat has been created by ALLAH…
Ø U hv been given a brain to think wisely wat u should n shouldn’t do….
Ø U hv been an air to breathe on… no need pay for every second of breath dat u take…
Ø U hv been given a chance to study… not everyone can continue their studies… it is due to financial problem or any other problems…
Ø U hv been given LOVE…. Ur family, frenzz all love u so much….
Ø U live in a peaceful place… there’s no boom here or there… there’s no need to hide under the table to live here….
Ø U r not alone… u hv family… frenzz…. Relatives…. There are always people by ur side…
Ø N so many things to be thankful of…….
I juz dun understand how some people can be soooo down when they dun get wat they are expected… dun u think dat ALLAH knows better than u… why u should feel sad… ALLAH has been decided wat the best for us… n we as a muslims should accept it all… maybe wat we think the best for us is actually bad for ourself….
So guys…. We should be a thankful person…. One n for most, bcz we hv been given to live on this beautiful world… ALHAMDULILLAH~ may ALLAH bless us…. Aminnnn…
So tired n need to go now… life well n take take~ muahxxxx