Heeee~ hola everyone… ooopss sory.. ASSALAMMUALAIKUM…. I’m here…. Tadaaaaaa~ wat a busy week… busy wif da wedding, robbery, hang-out wif fren n everything… but wat da most ecxited is CONVOCATION!!!! Finally, I reached at diz level wif flying colours…. ALHAMDULILLAH.. thanks to Allah for the great things happened…. Its was worthy after many things happened in my life… losing a great person by my side (ayahandaku tercinta>>> ROSLI BIN UDA) at the end my part 2 diploma… then, wif miserable love n frenship… about betray n hatred… about relationship n separated… its so great things happened to me… somehow, I gained my spirit n walk away without looking back all those things… we couldn’t juz stay n stare rite… wat more important is learning!!!! Keep on learning as u walk on da street… there’s so much treasure to be search on!!!! Well… I’ll uploading my graduation day as soon I get all those pics… till then, lot of luv…..